Hyperthermia Blog

News and Opinions About Our Industry

The ABC affiliate in Salt Lake City, Utah, has produced a five-part series on the resurgence of hyperthermia in the treatment of cancer.  Part 1 of 5 aired this evening and featured the Pyrexar BSD-500 Interstitial Hyperthermia System used as an adjunct to brachytherapy in the treatment of advanced, recurrent prostate cancer.  Reporter Surae Chinn - @suraechinn asks Dr. Hayes of Gamma West Cancer Services to explain how he and his team use hyperthermia to improve cancer outcomes. See the video and full transcript at www.Good4Utah.com

hayes abc part 1 key 2018

As you may know, recurrent cancer is a challenge as the indication often proves to be radio-resistant.  With this in mind, Dr. Hayes has accepted patients that many have given up on.  It is his experience that adding hyperthermia at therapeutic temperatures for one hour will increase oxygenation, increase blood flow and perfusion, inhibit DNA repair and stimulate the body's immune response, making his treatment more effective than other oncologists in the area. Gamma West can provide interstitial radiotherapy (brachytherapy) followed quickly by interstitial hyperthermia, in as few as two treatments in a single day.

It is essential to share these stories as hyperthermia has proven to change lives and extend life.

See the complete ABC News series Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5