Dr. Kahled Dabees Mark FalkowskiAB-Care to distribute Pyrexar Thermal Therapy line.
Salt Lake City, UT– Pyrexar Medical, leaders in thermal therapy systems for cancer treatment, announced that it had signed an exclusive distribution agreement with AB-Care Medical Technology. Based in Cairo, Egypt, AB-Care provides a wide array of medical equipment and supplies to the region via offices in Alexandria, Mansoura, Cairo, and Assiut. This agreement represents a $3 million commitment to the hyperthermia product line over the next six years.
The first written reference to hyperthermia is found in an Egyptian papyrus scroll dating over 5000 years ago. Hyperthermia, also known as thermal therapy, is clinically proven to boost the effectiveness of radiation therapy and chemotherapy in cancer patients. Thermal therapy works by increasing blood flow and oxygenation to the tumor site. As an adjunct therapy to radiation treatment, hyperthermia increases the number of oxygen radicals that can be produced to destroy cancer cells. When used with chemotherapy, thermal therapy treatments sensitize the tumor site allowing more cancer-killing agents to target the tumor.
Dr. Kahled Dabees, Managing Director of AB-Care Medical Technology, debuted the Pyrexar product line at the Arab Health Show in Dubai this week. Arab Health is the largest medical products show in the region attracting approx. 110,000 visitors. “We are proud to have such a cutting edge medical technology to offer to the country,” said Dr. Dabees. “Like many countries in the region, cancer takes its toll on our population. We strive to lead the region in superior cancer treatment technologies.”
“This year, the Pyrexar team has worked at a tremendous pace to bring hyperthermia to the worldwide medical community,” said Mark Falkowski, CEO of Pyrexar Medical. “We are dedicated to this therapy, and we believe that the AB-Care partnership, along with their dedicated staff, will help us achieve our goals. Once you see the clinical data, there is no way to deny the tremendous benefit hyperthermia can provide to cancer patients.”
Headquartered in Cairo, Egypt, the company was established in 2011 by tycoon medical equipment distributor KSA (Banaja Holding). The goal of the company is to be the leader in the Egyptian Healthcare Industry by building a strong commitment to the region, targeting innovation, and conducting business with the highest code of ethics. More at www.ab-care.com
Pyrexar Medical is a pioneer and worldwide market leader in the development and manufacture of innovative and highly effective thermal therapy/hyperthermia treatment systems with established distribution and support networks around the world. PYREXAR HyperThermia (PYREXAR HT) treatments, proven in multiple clinical trials over the last 30 years, increase the effective dose of ionizing radiation in solid tumors up to 3X without increasing toxicity to healthy tissues.
To find out more about Pyrexar Medical products, visit our webpage www.pyrexar.com.