Cancer is the leading cause of death in urban China, according to the World Health Organization GLOBALCAN study. Lung, stomach, liver, esophageal, and colorectal cancers make up the second largest cause of death in the country overall. With a population approaching 1.4 billion, you can see how important it is to find successful therapies to treat this disease.
To address cancer treatment in China, our CTO and Chief Scientist, Paul Turner, was invited to speak at a conference held at the Dailan #2 Hospital in the Liaoning province of China. Paul, along with our CEO Mark Falkowski, made the trip last week to participate in the discussion.
The event attracted clinicians and researchers interested in understanding how hyperthermia can improve outcomes and save lives.
The presentations included:
- Deep Hyperthermia with Phased Array Methods and Clinical Application; Paul Turner – Pyrexar Medical
- Hyperthermia Combined with Taxol in Malignant Ascites Treatment; Dr. Yingying Huang - Beijing Hospital Oncology Department
- Hyperthermia Combined with Chemotherapy in Gastrointestinal Tumors Treatment; Dr. Li Ding - Beijing Hospital Oncology Department
- Green Therapy in Oncology-Application of BSD-2000 Annular Phased Array Methods; Qing Zhang - Beijing Chinese Medicine Hospital
As a wrap up to this auspicious event, our host Orientech invited our small U.S. delegation to a beautiful meal featuring regional favorites. Not only did we leave making many new friends, but we also negotiated a purchase agreement for four BSD-2000 Deep Regional Hyperthermia systems with our new distribution partner Orientech.
We hope our entrance into the Chinese market will help reduce the number of cancer fatalities.