Authors:Jones E, Alvarez Secord A, Prosnitz LR, Samulski TV, Oleson JR, Berchuck A, Clarke-Pearson D, Soper J, Dewhirst MW, Vujaskovic Z. Publication: Int J Hyperthermia. 2006 Mar;22(2):161-72.
PURPOSE: The study was designed to determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of IP cisplatin [CDDP] combined with intravenous thiosulphate and concurrent whole abdomen hyperthermia for advanced, recurrent or progressive ovarian carcinoma..
Authors:Alvarez Secord A, Jones EL, Hahn CA, Petros WP, Yu D, Havrilesky LJ, Soper JT, Berchuck A, Spasojevic I, Clarke-Pearson DL, Prosnitz LR, Dewhirst MW. Publication: Int J Hyperthermia. 2005 Jun;21(4):333-47.
OBJECTIVE: A phase I/II study of Doxil combined with whole abdomen hyperthermia was conducted in patients with refractory ovarian cancer. Liposomal doxorubicin combined with hyperthermia has been shown to increase both liposomal delivery and drug extravasation into tumour xenografts resulting in enhanced cytotoxic effects.
Authors:Hahn CA, Jones EL, Blivin JL, Sanders LL, Yu D, Dewhirst MW, Secord AA, Prosnitz LR. Publication: Int J Hyperthermia. 2005 Jun;21(4):349-57.
PURPOSE: Prospective assessment of quality of life (QoL) in patients with refractory, residual or recurrent ovarian cancer receiving whole abdomen hyperthermia and intravenous liposomal doxorubicin chemotherapy.
Authors:Fotopoulou C, Cho CH, Kraetschell R, Gellermann J, Wust P, Lichtenegger W, Sehouli J. Publication: Int J Hyperthermia. 2010;26(2):118-26. doi: 10.3109/02656730903369200.
PURPOSE: Due to the poor prognosis of patients with ovarian cancer relapse (OCR), newer strategies are warranted to improve the therapeutic index. We performed a prospective phase I/II-study of regional abdominal hyperthermia (RHT) combined with systemic chemotherapy in OCR patients in order to evaluate outcome, efficacy and tolerance.