Zeljko Vujaskovic, MD, Ph.D., a hyperthermia proponent, and Pyrexar Hyperthermia systems “super user,” was presented with the J. Eugene Robinson Award. The award is presented annually to those how have made outstanding contributions to hyperthermic oncology. Dr. Vujaskovic, a professor of radiation oncology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and the director of the Division of Translational Radiation Sciences at the University, is the twenty-seventh recipient of this honor.
There has been a resurgence in focus int the field of Thermal Oncology in the past year. Many researchers are looking at hyperthermia as an effective immune system activator. Not only boosting the biological effective dose of radiation and increasing the effectiveness of drug delivery but as a way to keep cancer from returning to those patients who have already battled the disease.
Dr. Vujaskovic was recently a featured speaker at this year's Pyrexar Day. His complete presentation is available for review below.