This year the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) held in Chicago attracted an estimated 55,0000 medical professionals from around the world. Wandering through the maze of displays by medical device manufacturers were an army of international distributors looking for something new.
“Something new” seemed to be the theme of the five-day event, and hyperthermia appeared to fit the bill. The show provided a personal introduction and interaction platform that no brochure, website, or email can reproduce. Key players from Europe, Asia, South America, and the Middle East passed through the booth to learn about the fantastic benefits that hyperthermia had to offer.
In addition to the wealth of business opportunities, medical and technical students had the chance to see and touch the equipment with which they may one day participate. As the only representative company for this particular therapy at the show, we felt great privilege in participating in the educational process.
Overall the show was a great success. Some incredible business relationships were formed, and some big deals solidified. But you will need to wait a bit before we can reveal that news.