Hyperthermia Blog

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Pyrexar is working very hard to bring innovation to our products.  But nothing is more important than sharing the message of hope that hyperthermia treatment can bring to cancer patients.  Although there is a long, successful history of this therapy, few Americans know about it.  We want to know why? 

Although hyperthermia system sales have been accelerating in the last two years in Asia, Europeans have had a long history of using this technology. In part 4, we meet Professor Dr. Peter Wust of Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, who has been treating patients with hyperthermia for over three decades. The team at Charité is the world's leading experts in this type of cancer treatment.  You can learn more about the treatment options at the Charité in their patient brochure.

pyrexar abc part 4 2018 key

See the video and full transcript at www.Good4Utah.com

Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin currently uses the BSD-2000 3D Deep Regional system to deliver hyperthermia at any depth of the body.

See the complete ABC News series Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5